March 2024
Permaculture related events to put on your calendar!
We are Excited to let you know about several upcoming events and recent developments.
- Free Pruning workshop
- Perme Meet-up
- Plant Sales events
- and more!
Join us on March 29th, from 9-2:30pm, for a unique opportunity to learn fruit tree pruning from Jane Campbell while contributing to Whatcom County food security. The workshop will take place at the CTK Food Share and Farm orchard. This small, privately owned orchard was donated to the CTK Food Share and Farm.
Come walk and talk with us at the Permaculture Meet-up
Queen Mountain Homestead (QHM) is an 8-acre intergenerational family home and educational demonstration site nestled on the western flank of Bellingham's Queen Mountain
Meet Brian and Alexandra from Inspiration Farm at the Fairhaven Plant sale March 30th
This will be an exciting event of plants to mark the beginning of spring. Multiple vendors with an abundance of plant offerings converge for a few hours this coming Saturday. We will be bringing our best Trident true Permaculture plants as a selection for the community to get their systems established. Join us this Saturday to talk plants and Permaculture.
We will celebrate International Permaculture Day May 4th 2024! A day to showcase permaculture around the world. This year Inspiration Farm will have a tour and Plant Swap for International Permaculture Day An opportunity to experience permaculture and meet its practitioners. Visitors can see first hand an established permaculture system and ask questions. See how the permaculture design system has relevance to the …